Custom Order Desserts

Horizontal Flourish

We can customize just about any dessert, just click on the item below, fill out the inquiry form, and we will get to you with a quote. We require 5 days notice for most custom orders, sugar cookies take at least a week’s notice.

Cupcake Orders

PLEASE FILL OUT THE INQUIRY FORM FOR A QUOTE. We can create any custom cupcake you prefer…

Regular size: $2.95 each, for a dozen or more of the same flavor, or $3.25 each for a variety of flavors. Minimum order 1 dozen. Fillings are 35 cents extra.

Mini cupcakes $1.50 each, Jumbo cupcakes are $4.50 each.

Gluten free cupcakes, or vegan cupcakes (can’t be both) start at $3.95 per cupcake.

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